Hey what's this?
Last Sunday/ Monday morning.. I was up, and doing my incomplete tasks that I had brought back from office on Friday. I only managed to finish the work (sort of) like at 4.00am.
History seems to repeat this weekend.. I packed my stuff back home, but I was too tired to do on Saturday, and too lazy to get it done on Sunday - so my option only left = Monday a.m. i.e - now @ 1.52 am.
So, I am the kidda last minutes person which felt too guilty to face my lady boss on morning discussion claiming that I had not complete this task, and that tasks... Hehehe.. Hey, I am an efficient staff, and responsible person - so I avoid the above as mush as I can. Swallow the temptation to sleep, and do work lo... while blogging..
Esco C2 Internal list huh? Finally done!! Muaks..
CHC Labs response - aiyaya... Mau buat sekarang atau besok pagi... Besok la..Yg penting Esco punya sudah siap... :-)
Well, the above only concludes that - I will only do things at the last moment. The saying - Mau Bangsai Baru Korek Lubang is a Chinese/ Cantonese sayings that is not so glamour, but to reflect one person what when he needs to pee or shit, then only he will to dig the hole for shitting.... Augh... Not so classy..
A better one - When it's only last minute/ urgent, one only put up the Buddha's leg.. "Lup Kup Pow Fut Keok".... I know you can hardly understand the above, but well - I KNOW!